Web Services

Add Mailchimp DKIM and SPF Records in cPanel/WHM

Managing your domain authentication to send mail with Mailchimp or similar mail providers can sound like a daunting task, but it's a relatively simple process. Hopefully this article will hold your hand through the experience and allow you to send mail via external websites, quickly [...]

2018-11-07T01:07:07+00:00April 4th, 2017|Web Services|1 Comment

WooCommerce Product Unavailable Out of Stock Problem

UPDATE: On later versions of WooCommerce in 2020 you may also try the following fix for the 30 limit threshold. https://www.warrenchandler.com/2020/06/27/woocommerce-variations-break-after-30-or-more-bug-fix/ Recently, a client was reporting that they were seeing an out of stock message on their product page, which wasn't correct.  All of the [...]

2020-06-27T17:42:03+00:00November 8th, 2016|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|17 Comments

WordPress Resize at Upload Plugin mysql_real_escape_string() Error

If like me you use the WordPress plugin Resize at Upload, or Resize at Upload Plus, it's quite likely that you'll be getting a mysql error when changing the settings.  Something like: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/accountname/public_html/wp-content/plugins/resize-at-upload/resize-upload.php on line 63 [...]

2018-11-07T01:08:52+00:00June 26th, 2016|PHP Snippets, WordPress Snippets|1 Comment

Increase WordPress Upload Size from 8MB (Multi-Site)

WordPress installations can be confusing at times, and when combined with the PHP environment in which they reside, uploading can be one area that causes quite a bit of confusion. To give an example, recently a client asked for a solution to the following problem: [...]

2018-11-07T01:11:00+00:00March 6th, 2015|Web Programming, WordPress|0 Comments

Move the Cart in a WooCommerce Single Product

WooCommerce is a fantastic WordPress plugin, but unless you're really familiar with how it works you may run into a number of things that, on the surface at least, can not be done. One such thing is modifying the single product page template to rearrange [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:31+00:00January 25th, 2015|Programming Tips, Web Programming|0 Comments

You don’t have permission to access / on this server 403 error

WordPress errors can be extremely frustrating at times, but here's a little fix that should help those that are getting 403 server errors on WordPress sites. If you've seen the 403 internal server error You don't have permission to access / on this server and [...]

2018-11-07T01:11:49+00:00December 3rd, 2013|Web Programming, WordPress|0 Comments

WordPress Custom Post Types Memory Exhausted Fix

As a web programmer, I'm often asked to fix the problems that others have, but when I see problems appearing on sites I've had a hand in, I'm infinitely more concerned. This is exactly what happened recently, when I custom post type I had provided [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:32+00:00December 1st, 2013|Web Programming, WordPress Snippets|3 Comments

Programmer Theory: The Unique Mindset of a Programmer

Programmers in general are, and have always been a strange breed. I'm certainly not alone in thinking this, but more and more of late I've been asking myself whether or not society's perception of a programmer is actually correct. After all I'm normal, right? Right? [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:32+00:00November 27th, 2013|Web Programming|1 Comment

Which Programming Language Should I Learn?

If you're interested in becoming a web programmer, a vital consideration is obviously which programming language to learn. Websites today aren't usually constructed using just one language and you'll find it's necessary to be versed in a number of programming languages to really make a [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:32+00:00October 31st, 2013|Web Programming|0 Comments

Penguin 2.1: How Paid Links Can Kill Your Rankings: Evidence Based Facts

Google's latest Penguin update exploded into action yesterday (October 4th), the fifth such update in the last 18 months. The update is said to affect around 1% of search queries to a noticeable degree, according to Matt Cutts, speaking via Twitter. https://twitter.com/mattcutts/status/386231794883780609 The Penguin evolution [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:33+00:00October 5th, 2013|SEO, Web Programmer|2 Comments

WordPress Login: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

A common problem when you're moving a blog from one place to another, especially relevant after you've used WordPress' handy built in Import/Export tools to migrate content, is the common error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. This can be extremely [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:33+00:00September 15th, 2013|Programming Tips|0 Comments

Web Programmer or Web Developer: What’s the difference and what’s right for you?

  Am I A Web Programmer? This article will outline the differences between a website programmer and a web designer (web developer) and hopefully allow you to identify which category you fall into. While web programming and web development (web design) are two separate entities, [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:34+00:00July 27th, 2013|Web Programmer, Web Programming|2 Comments
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