
WordPress Login Redirect For Different User Roles

From time to time clients come to me requesting login redirects in WordPress. The following handy snippet below allows you to specify where the user lands once they've logged in, based on user roles. In the example, users with Administrator and Editor roles are redirected [...]

2018-11-07T01:10:06+00:00August 29th, 2015|WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

Increase WordPress Upload Size from 8MB (Multi-Site)

WordPress installations can be confusing at times, and when combined with the PHP environment in which they reside, uploading can be one area that causes quite a bit of confusion. To give an example, recently a client asked for a solution to the following problem: [...]

2018-11-07T01:11:00+00:00March 6th, 2015|Web Programming, WordPress|0 Comments
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