
WordPress Login Redirect For Different User Roles

From time to time clients come to me requesting login redirects in WordPress. The following handy snippet below allows you to specify where the user lands once they've logged in, based on user roles. In the example, users with Administrator and Editor roles are redirected [...]

2018-11-07T01:10:06+00:00August 29th, 2015|WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

Web Programmer or Web Developer: What’s the difference and what’s right for you?

  Am I A Web Programmer? This article will outline the differences between a website programmer and a web designer (web developer) and hopefully allow you to identify which category you fall into. While web programming and web development (web design) are two separate entities, [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:34+00:00July 27th, 2013|Web Programmer, Web Programming|2 Comments
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