Adding a user to a Google Analytics account is a necessary step in SEO projects, but many people don’t realise how simple it is.

The process is quite easy, and you should be able to get through the steps in just a few minutes.

  • Log in to your Google Analytics account
  • On the Analytics Settings page, click on the User Manager link.
  • The user manager page is where you can see all of the users who have access to your account. You can delete users here as well as change their access level. To add a new user, click on the Add User link on the right of the grey bar.
  • Type the person’s email address in to the Email address field. This email address must be a Google account.
  • Select access type. If the person you are adding does not need to make changes in the account, select View reports only. Otherwise, select Account Administrator.
  • In the available Websites box below, select the profiles that you would like to grant the new user access to, and click the add button. If you have selected Account Administrator in the previous step, you do not need to select individual profiles.

That’s it…

The new user should be able to log into your Google Analytics account using their own email address and the password that they have set in their Google account.