internet marketing

WordPress Search Syntax in URL for Custom Post Types

WordPress isn't exactly Google when it comes to searching. The system is long overdue an overhaul, but while we wait for the never-arriving necessity you can still get much more out of your WordPress searches. Today a programmer client asked me something that I thought [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:31+00:00January 25th, 2015|WordPress, WordPress Snippets|0 Comments

Three Steps to Quality Content Writing for SEO

Since Google's Hummingbird landed it would be fair to say that things have taken a very different direction where content writing is concerned. “Semantics” quickly became the new buzz word in SEO circles, but despite Google's new semantic methodology, things really haven't changed that much [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:32+00:00November 26th, 2013|Copywriting, SEO Tips and Tricks|6 Comments

Which Programming Language Should I Learn?

If you're interested in becoming a web programmer, a vital consideration is obviously which programming language to learn. Websites today aren't usually constructed using just one language and you'll find it's necessary to be versed in a number of programming languages to really make a [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:32+00:00October 31st, 2013|Web Programming|0 Comments

Understanding Hummingbird: Where Google Got it Wrong

Web Programmers and Web Developers are NOT the same thing! Those of you following my previous posts may have concluded I have a slight issue with Google's new Hummingbird update. And you'd be right to reach that conclusion. Google named it Hummingbird because it's designed [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:33+00:00October 18th, 2013|SEO|1 Comment

How Do I Recover From Google’s Hummingbird?

  Why has my Google ranking dropped post-Hummingbird and how can I fix it? If you're remotely interested in SEO you've likely already been shaken by the impact caused by Google's latest update, code name Hummingbird. Google claim this is their single largest update for [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:33+00:00October 14th, 2013|SEO|3 Comments

Penguin 2.1: How Paid Links Can Kill Your Rankings: Evidence Based Facts

Google's latest Penguin update exploded into action yesterday (October 4th), the fifth such update in the last 18 months. The update is said to affect around 1% of search queries to a noticeable degree, according to Matt Cutts, speaking via Twitter. The Penguin evolution [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:33+00:00October 5th, 2013|SEO, Web Programmer|2 Comments

Finding Your Facebook ID, Your Facebook Page ID or your App ID

If you're looking for Facebook integration on your website, there are many tools and plugins available to help.  However, configuring these add-ons can be a laborious task due to the amount of information required and the lack of information explaining how you'd get it. Hopefully [...]

2013-10-21T15:42:36+00:00July 20th, 2013|Web Programming|0 Comments

Facebook Showing Old Site Description or Images

Facebook Status Update Shows Old Information Recently a client of mine had an issue with Facebook and the way the Facebook Lint system picks up information concerning their website when it's shared. Obviously sharing and seeing old site descriptions or images is not ideal, but [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:34+00:00July 17th, 2013|Programming Tips, Web Programming|0 Comments

The Value of a Domain Name – Web Programmer UK

Should I register multiple domains for my website? It's a question asked to me by my clients on a regular basis, and the answer is one that's changed quite a bit as Google's complex algorithms have evolved. No longer can you fool Google with duplicate [...]

2018-02-02T03:09:34+00:00April 23rd, 2013|SEO, Web Programming|3 Comments

Web Programming: What to Expect in 2013

Moving into a New Year can be an exciting time and it is only natural that many people will look forward to the exciting new methods that will arise in their industry. There are some industries and businesses that rarely change from year to year [...]

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